HOMEBREW Digest #5047 Thu 24 August 2006

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		Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org


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  Re: Efficiency of Color Extraction (Fred L Johnson)
  Brwonstone Coincidence ("A.J deLange")
  beer maps ("Peter A. Ensminger")
  HomeBrewFleamarket.com ("Pat Babcock")
  Competition announcement: Dayton beerfest, Sept 9 ("Gordon Strong")
  Ageing Beer ("Reif and Angie Hammond")
  Beers law, steam heat .... ("steve.alexander")
  Beer's Law ("A.J deLange")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 06:34:49 -0400 From: Fred L Johnson <FLJohnson52 at nc.rr.com> Subject: Re: Efficiency of Color Extraction Thanks to A.J. and Steve for their comments on extraction efficiency of color versus sugar. I have one follow-up question. Although I do not use Promash, because I use my own Excel brewing spreadsheet, does Promash assume 100% extraction efficiency for predicting color? I assume Promash does not consider coloring reactions during the boil, etc. in predicting beer color. Correct? Fred L Johnson Apex, North Carolina, USA Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 12:35:24 +0000 From: "A.J deLange" <ajdel at cox.net> Subject: Brwonstone Coincidence I can't answer the question about smoked malt but find the fact that I was also in that establishement last week quite a coincidence. I had the Hefeweizen which wasn't bad (hefe to the point of yeast bite and served with a lemon slice) and the Summerfest which was a little over the top on the crystal malt but also pretty good. All I noticed about thier grain bill was that the brewing area was decorated with sacks and sacks and sacks of oats and I didn't see an oatmeal stout on the board. A.J. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 10:59:06 -0400 From: "Peter A. Ensminger" <ensmingr at twcny.rr.com> Subject: beer maps Greetings, I just stumbled across an interesting Google-Map mashup for beer lovers. See: http://beermapping.com/us-brewery-map/ A nice resource for finding beer if you're traveling. It also makes it easy for a beer lover to zoom around the country (and waste lots of time). Cheers! Peter A. Ensminger Syracuse, NY Apparent Rennerian: [394, 79.9] Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 11:46:18 -0400 From: "Pat Babcock" <pbabcock at hbd.org> Subject: HomeBrewFleamarket.com Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your used beer equipment. And stuff... Beerlings: just a reminder that the HBD's Home Brew Flea Market is still out there. If you're looking for a piece of beer equipment, have some to sell - or if you're looking for someone local to brew with, the Home Brew Flea Market is your place. All non-commercial ads are free. Commercial ads of unique items are sometimes accepted as well. www.HomeBrewFleaMarket.com - -- - See ya! Pat Babcock HBD Director of Janitorial Services Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 12:44:44 -0400 From: "Gordon Strong" <strongg at speakeasy.net> Subject: Competition announcement: Dayton beerfest, Sept 9 Entries are now being accepted for the 11th Dayton (Ohio) Beerfest. The competition will be held on September 9th; entries are due by September 2nd. All details are on our web site: http://hbd.org/draft/daybeerfest.html. Quick summary: Easy online entry, no recipe, 2 bottles, $5, any type of bottles including draft packaging, enter sub-categories as often as you want (only top-scoring is eligible for prize in a single sub-category). All 2004 BJCP styles accepted including mead and cider. Nice wooden plaques for category winners (ribbons for 2nd/3rd). Gordon Strong Dayton Regional Amateur Fermentation Technologists strongg at earthlink.net Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 21:02:06 -0400 From: "Reif and Angie Hammond" <arhammond at comcast.net> Subject: Ageing Beer Greetings, I have just returned from Alaska with 4 bottles of Alaskan Smoked Porter (checked luggage since you can't carry liquids on anymore). I packed it in a cooler and had to sign a perishable waiver since the airline assumed it was fish! I have seen the suggestions that it be aged for several years and am wondering what the best aging conditions are for this beer (or any other that improves with age). I can leave it at ambient in my basement (which varies from 50 to 65, or keep it in my beer cooler at 45. Suggestions? Something else? Thanks, Reif Durham, NH Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2006 12:52:45 -0400 From: "steve.alexander" <-s at adelphia.net> Subject: Beers law, steam heat .... A.J deLange makes two points that interest me, <AJ> Furthermore, beer doesn't follow Beer's law (that the absorbances at a particular wavelength is proportional to the molar concentration of the absorbing substance) so that would throw off any practical scheme for calculation of color linearly based on quantities. </AJ> Well I recall a discussion of this topic on HBD several years ago, but that particular thread didn't follow the Beer-Lambert law either ... it generated much heat and no light at all; so let's try again. The Beer's law or the Beer-Lambert law is a simple enough eqn that is nicely described here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer-Lambert). The point that bears mention is that *IF* we have a uniform distribution of molecules in beer that merely absorb light, and no other mechanism appears, then Beer's law must apply. Why doesn't Beer's law apply to beer AJ ? Could you explain the evidence and possible the mechanisms that cause this behavior ? <AJ> As an example of the importance of method I've noticed that all my recipes are appreciably lighter in color now that I am using steam than they used to be when I used gas directly. </AJ> It's not surprising (to me at least) that steam heating causes far less Maillard product formation, including melanoidins. Steam heating has some advantages in the mash, but one problem is that the heat transfer is fairly inefficient. AJ - would you mind describing your steam-heating arrangement ? Boiler & mash capacity ? Heat exchange method ? I suspect a RIMS-like mashing system with a counterflow hot-water or steam heat exchanger would be nice (although difficult to clean). Some folks have successfully injected steam directly in the mash. -S Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 01:36:37 +0000 From: "A.J deLange" <ajdel at cox.net> Subject: Beer's Law If beer contained, as Steve puts it, "a uniform distribution of molecules in beer that merely absorb light" then Beer's law would be followed and I think the key word in explaining why it isn't lies in the word "merely". What I am getting at is that these coloring molecules do not act independently of one another. Thus the probability of one molecule capturing a photon is NOT independent of the proability that another will. Many of the basic laws of physical chemistry depend on a lack of particle interraction. Thus we study "ideally dilute solutions" and "ideal gases" whose properties depend on each particle in the gas or solution acting as if no others were there. This isn't the real world and another part of p-chem tries to deal with the practical aspects of deviation from this theoretical ideal (virial coefficients, Debye-Huckel theory etc.). Note that we are talking about the Beer's law part of the Beer-Lambert law here i.e. the part that says that the log of the absorbtion is proportional to the concentration of the absorbing substance. The Lambert part, that the log of the absorbtion depends on the path length though the solution, is not in question. I am sure that the Beer part also holds for dilute (low colored) beers. A quickie experiment tonight with a 17.6 SRM Oktoberfest shows a pretty good linear fit over 0 to 100% beer in distilled water in 10% increments though we could probably argue about it as the residuals are not random. The assertion that Beer's law is not valid is made to discourage an analyst from diluting a very dark beer to the point where its absorbtion is within the range of his spectrophotometer and then multiplying the reading by the dilution factor in order to obtain an SRM value. It was made in several articles by various authors in the days of yore and is widely accepted but so have been other assertions that have later proven false. I don't think I ever tried to prove or disprove it as a much simpler way to scale to your instument which is not in question is to simply use a narrower cuvet and that is what I have always done. I did find a bottle of Guiness in the cooler tonight and measured its color at 54.5 SRM (I'm sure it used to be appreciably darker than that - say 80?) using an 0.2 cm cuvet. I normally use a 1 cm cuvet for SRM measurement (the method specifies a half inch cell but because of the Lambert law it's trivial to convert the 1 cm reading to 1/2 inch) so I just scale the value from the 0.2 cm cuvet by 5. If I dilute Guiness 4:1, use a 1 cm cell and multiply the SRM reading by 5 I gey 49.0 SRM so this, though the error isn't terrible (10%) does illustrate the basic premise i.e. the Beer law can't be used if good accuracy is sought. On to steam: I brew in 55 gallon stainless steel chemical drums. Three of these are equipped with copper steam coils which are hooked to a conventional propane boiler of the sort that used to be used to heat houses in the days of the old iron radiators and are still made today for the replacement market in addition to which they are apparently popular in the kitchens of crab houses. It's 299,000 BTU (input) allows me to boil nearly 50 gallons vigorously enough to have boil overs while still maintaining another 30 gal or so at temperature in the HLT. Temperature control is by PID controlers with proportional output (turns the steam on and off for a certain percentage of a preset cycle time) or manually (flipping switches). The coils are connected to bucket style traps which feed a pumped condensate return system. Cleaning isn't too bad because you don't get bake-on even if the coils are operated un-submerged. Just blasting with a hose seems to eventually free everything up though hops petals can be a bit troublesome. A.J. Return to table of contents
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