Nick has come in from the battlefront with exciting news! The Recipator is functional once again!
He is prudently leaving things in a read-only state until he’s satisfied that the database is stable for writing, but you can read it to your heart’s content! Your recipes stored therein, my friends, are accessible once again!
Please join me in giving Nick a virtual pat on the back, and our gratitude for his work thus far and going foreward!
Pat Babcock
HBD Janitor In Chief
Thanks!!! I got all my old recipes back!!!!
Am I the only one that can’t find the stored recipes? The stored link I had to the Recipator just brings me here. (My stored link: )
Probably. That link points to the old server – about three years out of date. Go to instead…
Thank you Pat!
I am so glad this is coming back, i really loved the simplicity of this!
Any update on when the Spreadsheet may be operational again?
When will this be up and running, so I can create recipes once again. I never had a problem viewing my old recipes, because mine were all saved to my computer, and could be opened to the recipe display.
Oops! I thought it already was. I popped a note over to Nick to see if he has any slack time in which to twiddle with it.
Can you message me whenever it is fully operational? Or at least post about it again.
Yep- I’ll post a general announcement once Nick tells me it’s ready for use again.
Pat, I’m willing to help if Nick does not have time. Send me an email if interested. Some of my friends and I need to get some recipes going to Oktoberfest.
Thanks, Mike. Hopefully you found some good Oktoberfest recipes (there’s still the old Cat’s Meow and Gambrinus Mug libraries on for future such needs). I’ll let Nick know you are willing to help; however, just know that it took a very long time for me to vet Nick and give him the keys to the server.
Completely understand the vetting. Direct-message me and I can provide some info that would assist.
What ever happened to “brews and views”?
Did I kill it by exposing your hidden advertising sponsor, who withdrew his support (the con man)?… oops…. two “n”‘s and capital letters required to read correctly.
Or is my ISP banned because I actually called the guy out?
I’ve noticed the increasing content from said person, and the dwindling contributions of materials from others.
I certainly didn’t want to kill the thing… just wanted to maintain a code of ethics.
What’s up Pat? Need money? Maybe I can fix the without advertising.
It got hosed by a backend vulnerability – filled chock full of malware. Unfortunately, my career job was pretty hot until just now, so I couldn’t get to it. And changes that the intelligentsia have made to “make us look more like Google” to attract young professionals (like a pitcher plant, the sweet image suck them in until they discover that the CULTURE of Google is so foreign here as to make the office appearance laughable. I guess the board hopes they’ll already be stuck at that point… Yeah. I hate it.) pretty much preclude me ding anything like this at work. Finally: I haven’t brewed in about 20 years and due to family conditions, I don’t see that changing – so this is pretty much charity work anymore…
In any case, I’m currently restoring an old, pre-hack version which will immediately get updated to a patched version. Hopefully, this will fix it. If not, I’m sure I’ll figure something out eventually…
Its been a year since this post! Whats good?
Nick is working to move the Recipator to another software platform.
Donations are nil.
Major portions of the HBD site can crash for months, and no-one seems to care…
Not sure what else I can tell you? Yeah, I’ll keep the thing afloat as long as I can. Yeah, we’re working to fix the Recipator so that it’s useful as more than just a library of older recipes. I don’t get much time to focus on this anymore (Odd, that – I always thought that as I got older and the kids moved out, etc. I’d have more time…)